Wilmington Delaware Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Attorney

In the United States alone over 1.7 million individuals per year suffer head injuries. A traumatic Brain Injury or TBI occurs when a brain injury results from an outside force1. A TBI disrupts the normal function of the brain. A blow to the head can cause the brain to bounce around inside the skull and stretch the tissues in the brain. A TBI can be categorized as mild, moderate or severe based upon the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS). Jason R. Antoine, Esquire handles all types of traumatic brain injury cases. Traumatic Brain Injuries are most commonly caused by the following types of accidents:

  • Car Accidents
  • Motorcycle Accidents
  • Trucking Accidents
  • Pedestrians hit by motor vehicles
  • Slip and Falls (where the injury victim falls and hits their head)

A single traumatic brain injury can increase the likelihood of complications later in life. You will only have once chance to recover money damages. TBI victims are at a higher risk for Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia.

Traumatic Brain Injury Complications

Traumatic Brain Injury can cause persistent inflammation of the brain. A TBI can lead to the following long-term complications years after the accident:

  • Post-traumatic epilepsy
  • Dementia
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Psychosis
  • Cardiovascular complications
  • Cognitive disorders
  • Cognitive decline
  • Seizures
  • Increased Risk of Mortality or Morbidity

What Steps Should I Take in a Delaware Brain Injury Case?

Once your condition is stable after emergency treatment, you should take the following steps on a TBI case:

  1. Call a Delaware Licensed Accident Attorney – A Delaware Attorney should manage a TBI legal case from the beginning to end so that no stone is unturned. Attorney Antoine would likely take the following steps in a traumatic brain injury or concussion case:
    • Have the client go through intake questions designed to spot the symptoms of a TBI;
    • Investigate the accident and find out who was at fault
    • Send notices and letters to preserve evidence
    • Refer the client to appropriate medical providers
    • Gather and review medical evidence
    My office can be reached at (302) 482-4802 to set up a free initial consultation. On a brain injury case it is important to get an attorney involved as soon as possible.
  2. Seek Proper Medical Treatment – Injured TBI victims should seek diagnosis and treatment by a Neurologist that has experience with personal injury accidents2. In moderate to severe serious TBI cases, you will only want top doctors working the case. You attend all follow-up appointments and avoid any gaps in care. The at-fault driver’s insurance company will be looking for any gaps or lapses in treatment. Contact us to discuss referral to specific medical providers in Delaware that have experience with TBI accident victims.
  3. DO NOT Discuss Your Case or Sign Any Documents – Do not give a recorded statement with any insurance company and do not sign any documents without having your attorney review these documents first.
  4. Get Proper Testing to Document the Brain Injury – Your Doctor may consider various types of objective diagnostic testing that can be performed to diagnose your brain injury and further prove the case in court. A Neurologist will likely be involved with performing and referring you out for diagnostic testing.
  5. Keep a Journal – Document all of your symptoms and complications from the brain injury such as memory problems, changes in mood, changes in vision/hearing loss and note any daily activities that you are now unable to complete that you could do before the accident. Please keep in mind that this journal would be discoverable or must be handed over to the other side (the insurance defense attorney).

Contact Us

A TBI can lead to complications later in life and sometimes symptoms will not surface until decades later. Traumatic Brain Injury can cause persistent inflammation of the brain. In a Delaware brain injury or concussion case you will only have one opportunity to get money damages for your brain injury. Contact Jason R. Antoine Attorney at Law at (302) 482-4802 to set up a free initial consultation and discuss your legal options. Jason is a local Delaware Attorney that handles serious traumatic brain injury or TBI cases.

Click here to learn more about TBI Symptoms and Diagnosis

  1. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) https://www.ninds.nih.gov/health-information/disorders/traumatic-brain-injury-tbi#toc-what-is-a-traumatic-brain-injury-tbi- (last visited August 19, 2024) ↩︎
  2. In serious TBI cases involving penetrating injuries or intracranial hemorrhaging a neurosurgeon will be involved for cases that require surgical intervention. ↩︎

Client Reviews

Jason and his staff are very professional, attentive and straightforward. I would very highly recommend his representation to anyone in need of legal assistance.

Jonathan G.

I was in an auto accident and had soft tissue injuries. I hired Mr. Antoine and he was able to get a settlement from my insurance company that was five times more than what they originally offered me. He is very professional and a great lawyer.

Lisa D.

Contact Us

  1. 1 Free Consultation
  2. 2 Record of Trial Excellence*
  3. 3 Former Prosecutor
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